I suppose it's time for a new post. I usually completely stop something when it starts becoming routine. I can't stand the same thing not changing for too long. I'm working on it, but maybe it's just how I was built.
I have been skin full of lazy bones all morning long. I'm thinking about a trip to the Goodwill in a bit just to do SOMETHING... I can hear The Fresh Prince coming in from the living room and I just remembered why I turned this computer on in the first place, so thats cool.

This month will be a good one. This summer hasn't been a very hott one... not as hott as last year anyway. It's a party though, and I can't wait until the coldness begins.
I'm itching for a trip to Little Tokyo but I can't think of one person to ask. Doing things alone is rad but sometimes a girl wants to share moments you know? I need to find one of those "make friends" places.