i am now 20.
thats so weird.
im no longer a teenager.
i had a really bad night on the 15th.
we went out to red robins to watch the lakers game. lakers won! but i got the worst stomach pain ever, so i just went straight to bed.
on monday i woke up and my stomach was still upside down, but i was determained to make it feel better. it worked. michelle and i got ready... some stuff happened, but by the time katrina came everything was alright.
i celebrated my birthday at Chuck E. Cheese. i had never been there. it was a lot of fun being with the crew. it felt like high school. i loved it.
katrina is the most magnificent human.
everyone gave me their tickets and cody paid the difference to get a Thing back pack! i decided that its going to be my purse from now on.
good good.
in more news, im moving out in less then 2 months! im super excited about this! katrina found some nice apartments. 3 bed rooms for 1325! thats excellent. shes going to check them out, if its not a scetchy area, then were all going to go look at it. then the job hunting begins! i decided i want to work at the disney store!
katy perry's cd, one of the boys, came out today so you better go buy it! im still looking to become her bff, so if anyone knows her, tell her i want to hang out!
all in all it was a great birthday. minus the part that the one person i expected a birthday call from didnt call. oh well.