Tuesday, June 10, 2008

everything is illuminated.

my brain has been filled with so much lately.

for a really long time i felt like i was stuck. like my brain was empty. i couldnt think of one single monster to draw. then someone pissed me off and a grabbed my brushes... then i realized. THATS IT! i always thought that i needed to watch something to get motivation.. to get my brain thinking creatively. but i was wrong. how was i so blind to it? everytime i was angry instead of screaming or crying, i would just get brushes out and start painting. i have no clue why i was completely oblivious to the fact that im most creative when im angry. its crazy! and these past 3 days i have been on a roll. i dont know if thats a good thing or a bad thing. but right now i feel like i could sit down and draw and draw and draw and never run out of different creatures.
i want to start drawing cities full of them. i want them to take over the world. i want everyone to have a piece of my brain. i want everyone to see what i see. its crazy how everything i see is completely beautiful, but everything i draw is the opposite. or maybe im wrong. maybe everything is ugly and im drawing the truth. maybe my art is beautiful. maybe maybe maybe.

i got in touch with Dani of Pin-up Soda Pop Jewelry a couple weeks ago and we talked about putting some of my monsters on bottlecap necklaces. she finished them yesterday and i cant wait to see the finished product! im so thrilled to have something like this happen! one step closer. one step closer. i will post pictures of the necklaces as soon as i get them!
im also in the prosses of getting shirts with the monsters printed on them! and im making a limited amount of coin bags with some monsters on them.
everything is wonderful!

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