Thanksgiving was spent at my parents house reading about mental disorders and listening to Whitney Huston and Celion Dion while eating dinner. Spending time away from this air felt nice. The weather was so nice when we left, I wish it could have rained while I was there. I forgot my left-overs there which sucks because that shit was deeelicious.
So I noticed on the right side of my home page it shows you your recent book markings. I'll share the last ones saved:
//Kittens with wigs- google images.
//David after drugs- youtube (Yea, it's old news but you can't ever get tired of it)
Don't stop believin- Journey. GREAT song, I can never get tired of it.

If I could go back in time and drop acid with anyone, it would be with him. (Or John of course)
Oh, and also if you ever get the chance (and have the channel) you should catch an episode of Bored To Death on HBO, it's so funny.