Thursday, October 29, 2009

Bang Bang

I watched the Brothers Bloom this morning and I say you should make time to watch it too. I was curious to watch it when I read an article about it about a year ago, but once it came out to theaters I lost interest. Then a couple of my friends told me that my long lost Asian twin was in the movie, meet Bang Bang:

I don't know what about me they saw in her but it's definitely a compliment because I've never seen anyone as badass as her.

I had forgotten what it felt like to be heart-broken until... yet again.
In my apartment I painted some stuff on the walls and originally planned on just painting over them when it came time to part. Well it's time to part but we learned that I could just use acetone to take the acrylic paint that I used off. I was definitely not ready for this. Sitting there erasing my babies. Whoa. I left the tree to do last, might as well do something totally awesome to it before I erase it right? I will post pictures of that later.

For now, this is for you

sincerly, me

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