My brain and life have been filled with a lot of things that I can't comprehend. Emotions for the most part fucking suck right now. I went for a walk to the market and bought a jug of wine, but that was about an hour ago and it's still in the bag on the table. I don't understand reality right now. I think I need a vacation from the valley or southern California in general. I had forgotten these feelings. Perhaps they're happening to remind me that I'm human... perhaps...
I don't think I've sighed so much in one day. I must have set the world record, I knew I should have kept count. We'll see how the rest of this week goes.
Just remember to always keep your guard up. Even when you feel like you're on cloud 9.
If it were up to me I would have loved to write an amazing first post. But life doesn't always work the way you want it to. Losiento.
you can always come visit me my dear! i would love to see your face
That was exactly what I was thinking when I said I need a break. Unfortunately I have to stay in town until Feb because I'm working on some music for this film I was in and we record the first weekend of Feb. I wish I could just fly to you
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