Saturday, March 20, 2010

Moody Scott Baaaaioooo

Last night I got paid to paint little kids faces for 5 hours. I need to be doing that full time man. And the best part is little kids don't know how awesome they are, it's completely genuine. Ashley came by and I painted her face then I decided to do mine. Then we busted a mission to Burbank at 2 in the morning for some Sweet Potato Fries, yumm.
Got less hours of sleep then I realized I would get. Woke up, was on total autopilot, got ready, and headed out for rehearsal. I watched the complete film today, it's pretty sweet. We have an official gig date and I'm nervous as cuss!

Tomororw is Dans birthday and a little bird told me that means beer and pizza. Sounds good to me! Maybe something green in the morning to kick start the day ;)

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