Much more often do I hear parents screaming at their kids in the store. Do they not realize that the reason their kid is acting the way they do is because of how they raised them? I heard a child ask their mother for some candy and she yelled at him. HE IS FUCKING 7 YEARS OLD, OF COURSE HE WANTS CANDY! Are you kidding me? Today's parents are not only humiliating their their kid, they're also making this child feel unloved. No wonder kids grow up and bomb schools or commit suicide.
Children are almost an exact copy of who you are. If you don't like how your child is acting then you better fix YOURSELF. How are kids to know what's right from wrong? These kids will grow up knowing only hated as love and spreading that to their kids. It's a horrible cycle that needs to end. If you do not want to give your child the time of day to hug him/her, help them with their homework, read with them, or laugh with them then give them to a family who DREAMS of doing that. A couple who can't have children of their own that will love this child unconditionally.
It is time that people SEE their kid and stop talking about them IN FRONT of them. They hear you. They know what you're talking about. STOP pretending they are not there. Talk to your kids with respect and raise them to be loving respectful people. Children are people too. We need to change the way they are treated. We need to give to their schools, hire more teachers, bring back music programs and other extra curricular activities. Embrace their talent and uniqueness. Show nothing but love to these kids because they deserve it.
Children ARE our future.
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