I played 2 shows last week and 1 last night with Los Larks and they all felt so good. My first good experiences with a band. Not that I have many.. but I always had an idea of how it should feel like to be in one and play music you love with people you really dig. I do not regret my first experience though, you live and learn. I have learned that I do not need to take bullshit from people that constantly disrespect the people around you... the people that do so much for you and ask for nothing in return. What goes around comes around and you'll get what you deserve.
Life is great. I am back in the dessert and enjoying the shit out of it. There is more to California than Los Angeles, I am glad I got out. As awesome as it can be sometimes, I prefer to not breathe that air. I miss my Cranberry Orange Muffin Cookie but life works out. Vegas is the near future and it's also only 2 hours from here so we're straight golden. I left at the perfect time. I have a bunch of great friends back there but I feel like my connection to them is not as strong as it once was, life is leading me another direction. I am an hour away from the new friendships in my life and only one road away from my twin. Life is great.
The weather has been in the triple digits and my pores haven't had a break. I can't wait until the cold! The dessert gets crazy cold during the winter. I just looove cuddling up with a bunch of blankets at night. Nothing beats that.
This girl was feeling a little blue a couple days ago
And also, I do not like the new Google image search layout.
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