Wednesday, April 29, 2009

swine flu and other things

First off, just wash your hands every hour and cover your coughs and sneezes, you'll be fine.

Second, so what is considered black magic? I have a book spells and blessings in front of me. It tells you everything you need to have and know about casting spells, but if they are not bad spells, is it still considered black magic? Like this spell on happiness.....

Third, who wants to cast some spells with me?

oh and lastly, The Wizard of Oz does NOT need to be remade, people need stop remaking movies and start coming up with their own ideas, this shit is getting too stupid.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

more balls

I noticed that the man sitting in front of me on the bus had a lady bug on his leg. I didn't say anything.... a couple minutes later I looked to see if it was still there and it indeed was, but now it was on his hand. Crawling all over his hairy knuckles I figured it was his friend since he didn't seem to mind. That was until he saw me staring at his hand, turns out he was completely oblivious to the insect. He looked surprised, but very pleased. "lady bugs are good luck" he said to me. "well then that makes this your lucky day" I replied. The next stop was his, "have a wonderful day" he said to me as he got stood up, "you have an even better one" I said as he walked down the bus steps. He walked to the beautiful flowerbed waiting for him next to the aluminum red can and put the lady bug on a leaf, he had the biggest smile on his face and walked away.
In the very black pit of my stomach were a couple of really good feelings and they all had the biggest smile on their faces too.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


you are sooo beautiful, why do you have to hurt the rainforest?


there will be cheese

I just ate the most delicious grilled cheese in the whole entire planet........ (besides the ones you make me mal). Provolone cheese is off the chizzaaiin. Now I'm sitting here watching All My Children with Glorious and I think I'm going to make me another cheesy delicious. I bought some cheesy ravioli stuffs last week and I cannot wait to eat them, yummy. I love food.

I want you in my mouth raviii :)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


miel from mc bess on Vimeo.

say hello

To Henrique Oliveira

He is a sculptor and collects wood from the streets where he lives in Paulo, Brazil to make it look like paint is spilling off of the walls.
Isn't he incredible?

happy go lucky

Hello, I would love to meet you.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

let the cool goddess rust away

You know how "they" say "everything happens for a reason"? Well that is fucking coconuts. And who the hell is "they"?? Why do we not know how they are but we know what they have said? And why do they make such sense? .......never mind.
The few months that have recently passed have to have had happened to prepare me for the emotional roller coaster I would've been faced with now...... except I cannot feel when I'm flying, I just think about it over and over in my head, with a blank stare on my face. These times are easier with a bottle and spliff. Why do bad things happen to good people?

I began to draw a tree on my wall last night. After drawing a lot of the bark I realized my vision was getting really blurry, I guess I didn't think about taking a break. I finished this morning with some jewels to hang off of the branches.

Why is everyone super peanuts over Twitter?

Friday, April 3, 2009


Welcome Derek Weisberg to your brains everybody;

Sad looking but breath taking. Completely amazing.

Tell me about yourself.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

all up on his nute

The guy on tv is tripping me out. Prop 8 town hall. Tortilla heaven, fuck man??
I cannot breath, but I can at the same time. Oh my gosh. Christ oh Christ. The news is on but everything feels nice.
You're fucked up guuurl. Jägermeister makes the world go round, it does. And pink champagne makes life a little nicer.
I love Tylan.

I cannot wait until I turn 21.
June here I come.